Manel Rodrigues

Manel grew up in an enchanted town called Sintra in Portugal. A lifestyle of surfing, sports and nature have marked his young years of life. At the end of high school, Manel moved to San Diego, where he initiated his career as a yoga teacher.
Since then, he has studied with numerous world top teachers. He had a unique opportunity to be close to his teachers from the yoga practice level, to the personal level. 


Manel started practicing  yoga in the Sivananda system when he was 12 years of age. Later when he was 18 and moved to California he practiced Ashtanga Yoga, which was very influential to his love and dedication to Yoga. Moreover he dove deep into Anusara yoga and at the same time Acroyoga (Certified 2007). Although Manel always liked to explore difference styles of Yoga, Anusara was definitely the most influential in his teachings. After meeting and practicing with many world top teachers, the most influential teachers were: Sianna Sherman (Few years as the main assistant and co-teacher) Jonh Friend, Michael Fukumura, Jason Nemmer. Lately manel has beein divig deep into the philosophy of yoga, history of yoga and all the tools that are relevant for his school and students. 



Manel has created his school of yoga (Manu School of yoga) with a method called Precision & Flow. Thisschool of Hatha Yoga, combines Precision as the understanding of all the aspects of yoga, and Flow as thecreativity and dynamic expression in every practice and teacher. 

